We help individuals and families pursue their ideal retirements.

How To Handle Market Volatility

By Bill Aldrich | August 11, 2019 |

Looking back at the past few weeks, the market has made some investors nervous.  Market volatility can lead to some serious stress but what are the best ways to respond…

Bad Idea? Women Leave Money Decisions To Their Spouse 

By Bill Aldrich | August 4, 2019 |

When couples get married the finances are typically left to one person. It is rare for both parties in a marriage to handle the finances together. In some cases, it…

The Unexpected Can Occur At Any Age

By Bill Aldrich | July 29, 2019 |

This topic is not comfortable for everyone to talk about but planning now can make a world of difference later.   More than a third of long-term care residents are…

Baby Boomers Bomb This Question

By Bill Aldrich | July 22, 2019 |

With all of the day-to-day demands on your finances, sometimes it is difficult to have a strong grasp on what your overall financial picture really looks like. While many people…

Avoid New Retirement Over Spending 

By Bill Aldrich | July 14, 2019 |

You’ve put your time in and the day you’ve been waiting for has finally come. It’s time to retire! You’re done working 40+ hours a week and ready to enjoy…

Think Before You Build Your Retirement Dream Home

By Bill Aldrich | July 8, 2019 |

Building your dream home for retirement is not an uncommon goal many Americans have. However, just because it’s a common dream doesn’t mean it’s an appropriate dream for a large…

Your 2019 IRA Guide

By Bill Aldrich | June 29, 2019 |

When it comes to retirement savings, one of the best options available to those who don’t have a workplace retirement plan is an IRA. These savings vehicles allow for future…

Is Your Pension at Risk?

By Bill Aldrich | June 23, 2019 |

Everyone faces the concept of retirement at some point. The closer an individual gets to retirement age, the more concerned he may become about his ability to live comfortably after…

Take a Summer vacation… for your mental health!

By Bill Aldrich | June 23, 2019 |

The Forty-hour work week paired with a busy schedule tends to be a recipe for stress and burn out. While practicing daily self-care in small increments is an important piece…

Probate & Your Retirement Accounts 

By Bill Aldrich | June 17, 2019 |

Planning for retirement allows for many considerations and avoiding Probate is one of them.  The good news is if you own a retirement account and have named beneficiaries, the account…

Bill on Big Changes to U.S. Retirement System Moves to Senate

By Bill Aldrich | June 2, 2019 |

The Setting Every Community Up for Retirement Enhancement Act (SECURE Act) recently passed in the House of Representatives by a margin of 417-3 last Thursday. The bill is slated to…

Top 10 Important Ages for Retirement Planning

By Bill Aldrich | May 26, 2019 |

It is never too early to begin thinking about retirement. Even if that season of life is decades away for you, the financial decisions that you make now can have…